Chinese intelligence agencies process more than 500TB of data daily, using up to 90% of natural language processing (NLP) technology to analyze intelligence. Through surveillance devices and encryption algorithms, agencies can identify over 1,000 potential espionage activities in real-time, ensuring national security.

Data Analysis

Chinese intelligence currently deals with using huge data analysis daily and it correlates with the activities that Chinese intelligence service carry out. Daily, the group analyses over 500TB of data from all across the internet, communication networks and satellite imagery. The cycle of analysis is about 24 hours, which demands extensive automation of algorithms to maintain and improve efficiencies. Choosing correct algorithms and models is very important eg intelligence analyst may use high-end machine learning model for classification or filtering out some iformation helped by the AI capabilities. Leveraging natural language processing (NLP), 80% of intelligence analysis use NPL for quickly extracting the information from large data sets. These are key drivers of analysis time and cost, and with technology enabling faster power and processing speed, the training cycle for each model is generally less than two weeks.

It is not only about data collection, but the real opportunity lies in analyzing and getting insights out of it. Each intelligence project costs more than one million RMB, and its cost center is mostly hardware and data storage. Senior analyst working cost, 500 ~1000 RMB /hour (according to the difference of tasks). The main purpose of analyzing intelligence data is to predict possible dangers and the condition of global politics. It is capable of predicting political changes in a region just by analyzing the communication data traffic statistics coming from that area. These forecasts have 85% accuracy, and this is hugely valuable for national-level strategic decision-making. The analysis cycle is done in period of 3–6 months, however the real time data can be analyzed within few seconds. Specialized analysis software is used by intelligence agencies usually, which include data filtering, trend prediction, and risk assessment. Everything is driven off the specs and parameters of this software or that piece based on whatever job were working on.

Technical Surveillance and Counterintelligence

As such a vital part of the operations for Chinese intelligence agencies, the amount of data that need to be processed is staggering. Data from internet, communication networks and satellite images are analysed daily of more than 500TB. An analysis cycle requires about 24 h to finish and hence depend highly automated algorithms also for more support and improve efficiency. The algorithms and models picked are very important and intelligence analysts often use human-intensive, high-complexity machine learning models to classify or filter the information. So it is of no surprise that 80% of intelligence analysis is about natural language processing (NLP) to easily extract critical information from data.

The end goal of intelligence data analysis is to determine how a threat and, indeed, a global or political current could evolve. For instance, viewing the traffic of communications data from a certain region could tell changes in polity governance over that region. This forecasting has 85% accuracy and is fundamental in the formation of national strategic decisions. An analysis cycle often takes 3–6 months, and conversely, real-time data analysis generally populates in just a few seconds. Generally speaking, such systems allow intelligence agencies to sift through the data and predict trends or assess risk with a variety of tools tailored to their mission. The requirements of the software and parameters are customized according to that specific task.

Big Data Intelligence System Maintenance

Big data intelligence systems are an important part of the work of Chinese intelligence agencies.Over 2PB of data is returned on a daily basis, sourced globally from intelligence around the world including communications, social media and satellite imagery. The maintenance frequency is usually once in a quarter, and the technical team considers the amount of data growth and system usage rate then adjusts the maintenance plan so that it can maintain efficiency running of our system. Not all but the main intelligence system is its high processing speed, the store at a stable pace. The operational efficiency of these systems is critical for timeliness in intelligence analysis and they process over 1TB of data per second.The budget for each system upgrade takes considerable tens of millions RMB, with funds largely spent on buying high-performance hardware and mending the system security vulnerably.

Based on existing processing speeds of data, even efforts such as complex intelligence analysis task can be performed in under 10 seconds, helping the system to remain efficient at a large-scale. Upgrades of firewalls & encryption systems have for safety reasons, come to be done monthly and add a further 20% in annual maintenance costs. Data centers requiring proper temperature control and power management are the hidden secret of big data intelligence systems. More than 500 kilowatts of power are needed for each data center and the cooling equipment must operate around-the-clock to prevent the system from failing due to overheating. Electricity and cooling along account for nearly 35% of the overall maintenance budget each year to guarantee the intelligence system can operate in every condition. This is the first level of monitoring and maintenance, followed by checking data for consistency to ensure that when data is transmitted through overly complex international intelligence networks then there is a minimal chance of it becoming corrupt or spurious. The system should not have more than 30 downtime minutes per year, and the technical team is always prepared for emergencies to ensure that the system works seamlessly.

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