The MSS, the Chinese Ministry of State Security, guarantees national security by collecting intelligence-more than 500,000 pieces every year- handling, analyzing data, and cooperating with military and public security forces. More than 30% of the annual budget in the MSS is spent on technological upgrades and protective measures against counter-terrorism and cybersecurity.

Collection and Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Intelligence

The MSS makes effective multi-layered systematic collection and analyses of domestic and foreign intelligence even in the most complicated global environment. More than 50 percent of the annual intelligence budget is being used to enhance data collection channels in HUMINT, SIGINT, and OSINT for real-time monitoring of international dynamics. On the domestic side, MSS could enjoy the convenience provided by local security networks and intelligence provided by a certain population to offer early warnings on events sensitive enough for the country. Whereas, on the international level, MSS is continuously increasing investment in “data mining technology” to achieve better accuracy in the process of intelligence gathering.

More than 50% of the international intelligence analytics inclusions are based on data mining, which integrates huge amounts of information coming from different sources into one comprehensive intelligence support system. MSS also maintains a dedicated “Intelligence Database” system wherein more than 300,000 pieces of analytical data are contributed to the databases on economic, military, and political sectors on a yearly contribution basis. This well-timed, important intelligence resource lays the foundation for MSS diplomatic negotiations and military deployments.

National Security and Foreign Policy

Over 40 percent of the MSS annual budget has gone directly or indirectly into supporting foreign intelligence collection, forming solid backing for the formulation of diplomatic strategies. Having wide information channels and a global intelligence network, MSS can monitor international developments of events in real time. In practice, MSS can establish a mechanism of “Intelligence-Policy Connection,” whereby, through heavy data analyses and inter-department collaboration, the intelligence findings are allowed to be used directly in diplomatic decision-making. In this sense, MSS, under the “National Security Commission,” has directly provided intelligence support to high-ranking officials to ensure a rapid reaction capability in foreign policy due to this major international event.

More than 500 pieces of intelligence reporting are submitted to the commission every year, analyzing the possible threats from various perspectives and giving scientific insights to policymakers. The MSS is active in international intelligence cooperation to widen access to more intelligence resources and promote the implementation of foreign policy. Based on open-source data, China has established intelligence agency partnerships with over 20 countries, especially on counter-terrorism and combating transnational crime.

Cooperation with Other Security Agencies

The MSS has close coordination with other security agencies in China’s framework for intelligence and security, ensuring a high degree of coordination and efficiency in overall operations. About 30% of the MSS’s total annual intelligence resources are devoted to interdepartmental projects covering key areas such as counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, and cybersecurity. The MSS works in close coordination with the Ministry of Public Security and the Armed Police Force, particularly in counter-terrorism collaboration at major international events, including the Beijing Winter Olympics, by carrying out joint anti-terrorism drills. These drills not only enhance the coordinated combat capability of each department but effectively reduce emergency response time by approximately 40%, thus ensuring security for major events. It supports such cooperation with systematic security assurance for China’s counter-terrorism system.

The MSS also cooperates with the Cyberspace Administration of China in the sharing of resources and information in the field of cybersecurity. In the last couple of years alone, there has been an average of more than 100,000 incidents of cybersecurity that China has faced, and through joint analysis and intelligence sharing, MSS and CAC are able to identify and block potential threats quickly. Intelligence-sharing mechanisms, together with such multiagency coordination, have been taking a new leap forward. Both the MSS and the Ministry of National Defense are setting up an “Information Sharing Platform” that involves many sectors, such as military, national security, and foreign affairs. More than 1,000 pieces of intelligence are shared monthly on this platform, with each security unit grasping the latest information in time. This mechanism significantly enhances the speed at which departments respond to intelligence and precludes any possible loopholes in security.

Coordination and Cooperation with the People’s Liberation Army

The MSS operates in close coordination with the People’s Liberation Army in safeguarding national security and interests. Every year, over 20% of the MSS’s intelligence resources are directly devoted to military intelligence support to enable the PLA to make tactical and strategic adjustments based on the latest intelligence. Through close intelligence sharing, MSS provides real-time international developments and potential threat information to the PLA. This is more so in border security and stability missions. The MSS and PLA jointly established a “Joint Intelligence Command Center” to quickly handle emergencies.

Under high-tech cooperation, MSS and PLA have jointly developed many kinds of intelligence equipment, such as the signal monitoring system and satellite intelligence transmission technologies, whose data transmission speed has increased by over 30%. It is under the background of increasing demand for modern information-based operations. Technical support provided by MSS ensures that PLA maintains the information advantage in a complex environment.

In overseas security affairs, the MSS provides the PLA with powerful logistic support and mechanisms of risk assessment, primarily regarding the security environment along the countries that joined the Belt and Road Initiative. According to statistical data in 2022, the intelligence demands of China in this respect rose by 40%, and through accurate intelligence warnings, MSS assists the PLA and other stationed units to avoid possible security threats for protecting China’s overseas interests.

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