The main work of the Ministry of Public Security is to maintain public order; eliminate crime and manage household registration as well ensure cybersecurity.In 2022 alone the Ministry broke over 250,000 cybercrime cases through the “Clean Net Action,” with arrests of nearly more than 400 thousand suspects. National ID management (as the body in charge of issuing and renewing over 200 million Identity cards a year) In so doing, the Ministry also has successfully defended key infrastructure against tens of thousands cyberattacks by means of a layered protection system and maintained national security as well as social stability.

Main Responsibilities of the Ministry of Public Security

The Ministry of Public Security (MPS) is a very important police and security law inforcement agency involved in crime prevention, investigation into criminal activities such as drug trade within PRC. It has counterterrorism, stability maintenance, public security management and response to emergencies as the core tasks. The Ministry sets down general principles of public security management within the country, exerts supervision over law enforcement incentives, and is also involved in conducting projects aimed at ensuring order on both urban and rural territories. The ministry carried out a series of extensive safety check in 2023, exposed more than on million crime cases guaranteeing the basic social rules enforcement.

The Ministry also has important role in the field of emergency response and disaster relief effort,. In the event of a natural disaster or another large-scale public incident, it also quickly arranges an emergency force to save people and stabilize the situation for safety. The stats released by the Ministery further disclosed that over 300,000 Police deployed in some emergencies tasks within only for a year during 2023 effectively showed multitasker bejehaders.

Measures in Combating Crime

MPSC employs a variety of powerful tactics to combat crime including traditional crimes, cybercrimes and drug-related offences. The Ministry can direct its response to different types of crime through tailored action plans. In 2018, for example, the Ministry launched an operation targeting organized crime; since then over 3,000 criminal organizations have been taken down and thousands of urban security threats neutralized in cities and towns across the country Crackdown on Organized Crime. To fight against cybercrime, the Ministry has also set up specialized cybersecurity units that are incorporating big data and artificial intelligence technologies to locate and prevent crime at source email protected In 2023, the Ministry investigated and handled a major case of online fraud involving multiple provinces throughout the country through electronic data examination in modern technical means as well as cross-regional coordination arrest hundreds suspects suspected illegal funds freeze about one billion yuan.

The Ministry also seized the right time to set up the National Drug Intelligence Center, in order that it can keep abreast of drug crime dynamics and conduct multi-province cooperation. During the “Clean Net Action” in 2022, nearly 20 tons of drugs were intercepted and more than one hundred drug production dens destroyed to completely blockade domestic & international drug conduits. Crimes involving finance are also part of the Ministry measures. As the financial market continues to mature, it makes more appearances of illegal fundraising or money laundering. The measures focused on by the Ministry include enhanced cross-department monitoring and management of financial crimes. With the cooperation of banking, securities and insurance for more than a year, in 2023 The Ministry successfully detected tens of billions cases from multiple large financial crime case which are worth hundreds billion yuan on record level that effectively protected China national economic order and financial security.

Responsibilities in Cybersecurity

The cyber-crime prevention, critical information infrastructure protection and national cyberspace sovereignty responsibilities areas of the Ministry of Public Security are very important. The rapid growth of the digital economy has been accompanied by remarkable sophistication in cybercrimes over recent years. The Ministry has a multilayered guard system, and it is working against this threat. Earlier this year in 2022 the Ministry initiated the nationwide “Clean Net Action” miracle that involved cracking over 250k cybercrime cases and apprehended close to 400k suspects which greatly cracked down online fraud, as well as on dyberattacks. The Ministry is also responsible for managing the security of critical information infrastructure. The Ministry works closely with important enterprises and government departments to build a tiered protection system, maintain the security of information systems in key areas such as finance, energy and telecommunications. The Ministry organized more than 300 enterprises to participate in a nationwide drill that simulated responses of large-scale cyberattacks, tested the system’s risk resistance and promoted overall defense capabilities.

The Ministry also encourages enforcement of cybersecurity laws and regulations, promoting that they be maximally enforced by all regions. Following the implementation of Cybersecurity Law, the Ministry launched safety inspection on internet companies and service platforms nationwide where over 10000 units were rectified with potential risks peventively removed across-the-board. The Ministry is fully harnessing modern technological tools in dealing with cyber threats. By AI and big data analysis technologies, the Ministry can read abnormal activities in cyberspace quickly to prevent future security risks becoming a real threat. In the case of an international hacker attacking event in 2023, with cooperation from several departments, Ministry took immediate measures to stop the attack source and effectively safeguarded more than two thousand key systems.

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