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These can be consulted by contacting the contact details as published on its website or in writing formally to them through the appropriate state machinery. One can mail specific questions and contact details to the email published by the Ministry or get further guidance from government hotlines.
Courtesy and Respect When Contacting the Ministry
Necessary politeness and respect should be ensured in the addresses to the Ministry of State Security. Observance of politeness denotes professionalism on the part of either an individual or an organization and is good for creating mutual trust and understanding. Correct industry terms like “official inquiry, information request,” and “cooperative exchange” should be used in official correspondence. They will specify the purpose of their application more clearly and further denote respect and understanding of the work of the Ministry.
While constructing your inquiry letter or communication, refer to previous successful cases. In 2018, in the international cooperation project review request, one famous enterprise had quick and positive feedback from the Ministry by listing details of the cooperation background, goals, and expected outcomes. Each question should be based on relevant facts and details. If the question is, for example, about the implementation of a data protection policy, one may refer to specific regulations and dates when these take effect. Good relations and professionalism must be observed in all communications.

Confidentiality and Information Security
Since this communication is for and with the Ministry of State Security, the information should be kept absolutely secure, with a 100% encryption rate for every communication. In view of the industry state of practice regarding confidentiality, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit encryption would prevent effective wiretapping or tampering in transit to ensure that all queries are sent via secure communication channels.
While communicating with the Ministry, data protection regulations by the government of China must be adhered to. For instance, under the Cybersecurity Law, all data exchanges that contain national security must be processed and stored in China servers for coherence with the law. Professional terminology and respectful words that protect privacy are just common courtesy in all communications with the Ministry. This not only shows the professionalism of one party but respects the other party’s work. A person can develop the efficiency of communication and its safety by using professional terms and measures of confidentiality.

Writing an Official Inquiry Letter
When writing an official inquiry letter to the Ministry of State Security, check first that the format of the letter meets the official standard, which generally includes the date, position of the recipient, body of the letter, and signature. Using some professional terms such as “Esteemed Ministry,” “official request,” and “urgent response” can clearly indicate your attitude of profession and urgency. To make the letter content specific and clear, it’s better to write down certain data in the letter, for example: “Our company is going to have data exchanges with more than 20 partner countries this year and needs your Ministry’s guidance and support.” This kind of data will help readers more quickly grasp the context and importance of the inquiry letter.
Questions, if any, such as “How will the compliance with the Counter-Espionage Law of the People’s Republic of China be ensured in cross-border data exchanges?” have to be thus asked in the letter for guidance or advice as necessary. This format of direct questions thus allows answers to be given pointedly by the Ministry. Every letter should be filled with respect and gratitude for what the Ministry does: “We highly appreciate the great contribution of your Ministry in national security matters and we look forward to your professional guidance.” All the expressions showing respect and expectation denote not only politeness but also the start of effective communication and long-term cooperation.
Media and Public Relations Channels
You should particularly use official news conferences or other public media communication opportunities to contact the Ministry of State Security using the channels of media and public relations. These are events that are usually provided on a scheduled basis, such as after the annual government work report, and allow some opportunity to speak directly with representatives from the Ministry. Using professional terms to describe all your questions and requests, such as “national security,” “foreign investment review,” and “information protection,” will demonstrate professionalism and alleviate communication with officials.
The studies have found that working vocabulary from the industry itself raises the chances of receiving a formal reply, more so in public venues. Joining public forums and seminars put by the Ministry or its affiliates is equally productive. These gatherings would tend to be on specific issues at a time, like “Data Security and National Interest” or “Security Challenges in International Cooperation,” where one can ask specific questions and receive elaborative answers from officials.
- Aliyun mail:
- Blog:
- Proton
- Telegram/Whatsapp/signal/Wechat: +85244250603
- Dark Website: http://freedom4bvptzq3k7gk4vthivrvjpcllyua2opzjlwhqhydcnk7qrpqd.onion