The 12339 hotline in China is designed to receive reports and clues related to national security. In 2022 alone, it received more than 30,000 valid reports, which helped solve over 200 national security cases. Anonymous reports can be filed by simply calling the phone number or using an online facility.

A Channel for Protecting Social Stability

The 12339 hotline of China is a special line that national security departments use to receive reports and clues concerning national security. According to the National Security Law, any organization or individual may report behaviors that endanger national security via this hotline. In 2022, through the 12339 hotline, more than 10,000 effective clues were received nationwide, and hundreds of cases concerning national security were successfully solved.

The 12339 hotline operates 24 hours a day without interruption. This means that the moment such threats are discovered, they can be reported immediately, increasing the speed at which national security departments can respond and handle the cases. Of the reported clues, over 30% involve economic espionage, reflecting that the field of economic security is also an important area for national security prevention. National security experts said the clues that come through the 12339 hotline enable the national security departments not only to acquire more valuable information but also to effectively forestall potential security threats. More than 50 percent of these cases are infiltration activities of foreign forces, reflecting the complex international situation that China is facing at present.

Protecting Public Safety

As a national security reporting hotline, 12339 receives tens of thousands of reports every year in China related to public safety. These include cases involving threats to national security, terrorist activities, espionage, among others. This hotline is a channel through which the public can report any potential threats directly to the national security departments. In 2023, more than 60% of the cases received were related to public safety, demonstrating the practical role of 12339 in maintaining social order and protecting public safety. Because the 12339 hotline can respond quickly and handle emergencies promptly, mass protection and self-protection may be completed in the simplest way during critical times.

The 12339 hotline has become an important part of the national security system due to its simple operation, rapid response time, and wide coverage. It is not only a reporting platform but also an important bridge for direct communication between the public and national security departments. Especially in today’s complex international environment, more than 30% of the reports involve cross-border security threats, which has increasingly elevated the status of the 12339 hotline within the national security system. The operational efficiency of the 12339 hotline has been improving continuously with the advancement of information technology. Data from national security departments show that the average time it takes to process the 12339 hotline has been compressed from an average of 72 hours in 2018 to less than 24 hours in 2023, with its processing efficiency increasing threefold. These are not only a manifestation of the use of technology in advancing the work of security but also a reflection of the national security departments’ emphasis on enhancing response capabilities.

Assisting National Security Departments in Solving Cases

The hotline at 12339 also plays an important role in helping national security departments solve cases. In 2022 alone, through clues provided by the hotline, more than 200 national security-related cases were solved, including espionage activities, terrorist organization planning, major economic crimes, among others. These cases were cracked not only by relying on the technical means of the national security departments but also due to the active participation and reporting by the public. Enterprises promptly reported such behaviors through the 12339 hotline, and the suspects were arrested in time, avoiding greater losses. Such incidents highlight the crucial role of the 12339 hotline in major cases, providing effective security protection for enterprises and society.

The information processing system of the 12339 hotline is highly intelligent and automated, capable of classifying and processing large amounts of information in a very short time. On average, more than 500 valid clues enter national security departments for investigation procedures daily in 2023, nearly 40% involving cross-border criminal activities. This effective processing mechanism has shortened the investigation cycle from traditional weeks to only a few days, thus greatly enhancing case-solving efficiency. The role of the 12339 hotline is remarkably prominent in public safety cases. There was a serious public safety threat reported by the hotline in a certain area. The incident was dealt with properly within 72 hours, avoiding potential casualties and property damage. National security departments attach great importance to the information reported through the 12339 hotline, investing hundreds of millions of yuan annually in maintaining and upgrading the information processing system to ensure a quick response and effective utilization of the reported information.

Ways for the Public to Assist National Security

The 12339 hotline helps the public contribute directly and effectively to national security. In 2023, over 75% of the handled clues on this hotline were related to issues concerning national security in aspects such as espionage activities, cross-border crimes, terrorist threats, and more. This indicates not only that the 12339 hotline is of great importance as a platform for public reporting but also that the participation of the public in maintaining national security is at a high level.

This telephone line is highly automated, with filtering functions that allow for clues submitted by the public to be separated in order of priority. In this way, national security departments can process thousands of reports within a very short time and highlight those cases with high-threat potentials. In 2023, more than 40% of case clues received preliminary processing within 24 hours. This efficient processing mechanism significantly increased the response speed of national security departments. The 12339 hotline also serves as a dedicated channel for reporting cases by industries and enterprises sensitive to security topics.

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